Monday, December 7, 2009

What is real help?

Food, this is something that we all need to have to live. In the world that we live in today you have to work for what you want, but with the economy bent so out of shape and job very scares how do you eat without any money? Food stamps might run across your mind, and yes the food stamp system was put into place so that the families with little or none could have accesses to food. As I read the blog on food stamps on my classmate’s page, U.S. Government, it was a shock to me to know that the greatest country in the world is not all that great. My classmate talked about the miss use of the system, explaining how many that qualifies for food stamps aren’t receiving the helping hand as they should. My eyes were also opened when my class mate talked about the number of states that are not using the system correctly and the percentages of those that are receiving aid. After reading this article and taking a good look at the state of our nation’s economy I totally agree with everything stated in this article. I do believe that everyone that is in need of government assistance show have no trouble getting the help that they need, I know that Texas was one of the many states that were machined in the list of states no using the food stamp system. I feel that everyone at this point in our economy should have accesses to all aid, not only will this help out families that are having hard times right but it would also give those that need just a little help a chance to get back on their feet, and once that happens I think that the American people will see some king of hope in our nation and things should turn out for the better.

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